

Physiotherapy is recommended to facilitate the healing of acute or chronic injuries by providing structured rehabilitation treatment plans, created to systematically assist in the restoration of damaged or maladapted tissue. This progressive healing is encouraged by a graded exposure to tolerable movement tasks, leading to the restoration of function so the patient may return to their activities. Once the patient returns to their pre-injury status, a continuation of care allows the patient to seamlessly transition from rehabilitation to fitness training and movement enhancement. At the end of all injuries, lies an opportunity to become a healthier you.

Project Health and Performance also invites you to take part in our one-of-a-kind custom, Mississauga Collaborative Program. A program for lower back pain, a grassroots initiative to reduce the prevalence and impact of low back pain on the Mississauga community; implemented by the healthcare practitioners at our studio. Our approach is simple yet effective. We focus on the use of programmed exercise and manual care rather than depending on machines for short-term relief.

The goal of our program is to provide patients with relief from their low back pain (LBP) through a multi-phase program design, including a one on one detailed assessment, pain relief and education, and facilitated obtainment of spinal awareness and strength through an organized group or online training. Patients will gain an understanding of the causes of their pain and learn strategies to allow for self-management of their condition.

What to expect from the Mississauga Collaborative Program:
– Thorough assessment of your low back health and related functional capabilities
– Clear communication of your diagnosis and suspected underlying causes
– A specific plan of action based on your diagnosis
– Communication and collaboration with your medical doctor, including a full summary of your assessment findings, followed by detailed progress reports and recommendations for referrals or additional care, if necessary.